Sunday, October 30, 2011

I actually had a really hard time with this one, It took me a long time to get all the files uploaded and I had to re-create the mosaic four times to get a batch of photos with any difference. I just couldnt get the program to use any variety in the photos.

Monday, October 24, 2011

For the photo of the biker I just cropped out about 3/4 of the photo and used the clone tool to add three more pairs of hands and pegs. Im used to working in the Mac labs but only had time to use my laptop for these. Im not really as familiar with it on a PC and this little touch pad mouse is seriously not cut out for such detailed movement. Because of that theres to much cloned space around the hands that copies parts I had not intended to.

The second photo is just cropped because I really liked the balance of it. the border had a couple other peoples faces and it just makes it look so much more personal. This one was during a Tough Mudder event this summer.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Sunday, October 16, 2011

This is another re-used photo, this one was from a early morning frost at my house last year. Im using this one because Im also in a photoshop class and I learned how to edit out the car and the big blur in front of the left side tree. I also sorta learned something that will refine the edges of everything and I want to try using that to bring out the same glow on the left half of the photo because its not quite as vibrant as the other half.

I took this one on the way to Willoughby, where the old one room cottages used to be. There's only a couple of the cabins left and I got this shot as the sun was going down behind it. Im a sucker for the sun in any photo so there wasnt really much thought involved.

This one was at burke, I hadnt noticed these windmills because Im a bit near sighted and there really far away. The clarity isnt great but I still really like the shot.
So these are totally late, sorry all. Was trying to make it to dinner in saint J and had these all set to go in one post, hit upload assuming it would just work first time as usual and closed the lid on my laptop. Come to find out this morning it was way to large a post and it didnt go through, here's two at a time.

This one I took at the new skate park, not entirely traditional but I was thinking the chainlink fence would provide a nice way to distract from the shallow depth of the background.

This one I took this summer in Florida, I was experimenting with the camera on the sand to play with the light and weight at the base of the photo.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

I had fun with this assignment, I got out to Burke and got a lot of really nice shots. The two with the Miller bottles are my centered and rule of thirds shots, they are also framed by the bolts on the lift town foundation. I had my Ah-Ha moment with the window shot of the sun, I really liked the way it focused the attention more fully to the center.

October 8, 2011

Sunday, October 2, 2011